Honours Biology and Mathematics
(B. Sc)
Students have the opportunity to experience courses from both the math and biology disciplines. As students gain the necessary background knowledge and skills in each discipline, students learn how to describe biological phenomena in quantitative ways, using mathematical models, statistical tools and computer programming and simulations. Moreover, students are exposed to math courses that are integrated with biology.
Future Pathways
Graduate Studies
Professional School (Medical, Law, Dental, etc.)
Health Technologies
Examples of
Upper Year Courses
BIOLOGY 2C03 - Genetics
BIOPHYS 3D03 - Origin of Life
BIOPHYS 3G03 - Modelling Life
MATH 2X03 - Advanced Calculus I
MATH 3MB3 - Introduction to Modelling
STATS 2D03 - Introduction to Probability
STATS 2MB3 - Statistical Methods and Applications
Notable Professors
Susan Dudley - Evolutionary ecology of carbon acquisition traits in plants: kin recognition in plants; phenotypic plasticity to competitors; local adaptation to abiotic stress
Ben Bolker - Epidemiology, ecology, applied statistics; theoretical evolution and ecology
Ian Hambleton - Algebraic and geometric topology; symmetrical understanding of stars and planets
Enrolment in this program is limited and possession of the published minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Selection is based on academic achievement but requires, as a minimum, completion of any Level I program with a Grade Point Average of at least 5.0 including:
6 units from the following with an average of at least 6.0 (between the courses) is required:
BIOLOGY 1A03 - Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOLOGY 1M03 - Biodiversity, Evolution and Humanity
3 units from the following:
MATH 1A03 - Calculus For Science I
MATH 1LS3 - Calculus for the Life Sciences I
MATH 1X03 - Calculus for Math and Stats I
MATH 1ZA3 - Engineering Mathematics I
3 units from the following, with a grade of at least C+ is required:
MATH 1AA3 - Calculus For Science II
MATH 1LT3 - Calculus for the Life Sciences II
MATH 1XX3 - Calculus for Math and Stats II
MATH 1ZB3 - Engineering Mathematics II-A
NOTE - Math 1B03 - Linear Algebra I OR Math 1ZC3 - Engineering Mathematics II-B must be completed by the end of second year
For more information, please visit the Academic Calendar below: